
Conference Location

The conference will be held at the the Connecticut Convention Center, and the conference hotel is the Hartford Marriott Downtown. The hotel is centrally located with many outstanding restaurants nearby.

Hotel Information

Hartford Marriott Downtown
200 Columbus Blvd
Hartford, CT


Non-Invitational Travelers
Please make your room reservations by July 13, 2018, to obtain a negotiated rate of $199 per night. Contact the hotel at 877-901-6632 and identify yourself as a delegate to the Michigan State Conference or you may go to the website at https://AWS.passkey.com/go/michiganstateconference

Invitational Travelers
Should not call the hotel for a reservation. If you receive an invitation from the AASHTO EMTSP, please complete the Travel Planning Request Form. Complete travel planning procedures will be communicated to invitational travelers as they are identified and we will make your lodging reservation for you.