2015 Western States Highway Equipment Managers Association (WSHEMA) Annual Meeting

Meeting Details
Date08/23 - 08/27
LocationAnchorage, Alaska

The 2015 Western States Highway Equipment Managers Meeting will be held at the Hilton Anchorage Hotel. Situated at 500 West Third
Avenue, Anchorage, Alaska the hotel is situated in the downtown area and is near many of the historic Anchorage locations.

# Name Organization Presentation Title PDF
1Robert CampbellAlaska DOTWelcome to Alaska
2Chris VolkertColorado DOTWhat is New in Colorado
3Lew HondaHawaii DOTWhat is New in Hawaii
4Jeff GleasonMontana DOTWhat is New in Montana---
5Mike CoffeyAlaska DOTWinter Maintenance Challenges in Alaska
6David McKennaMack TrucksGold Sponsor Presentation: Mack Trucks
7Clay HildrethHendersonGold Sponsor Presentation: Henderson - Snow & Ice Control
8Lisa KunzmanCaltransThe Use of GPS to Optimize the Mobile Fleet
9Chris Arnold & Michael GoodFreightlinerGold Sponsor Presentation: Freightliner Products
10Rex HuffordIdaho DOTWhat is New in Idaho---
11Ron TrujiloNew Mexico DOTWhat is New in New Mexico---
12Tim Croze Michigan DOTAVL/GPS/MDSS for Improving Winter Operations---
13Dan SchacherAlaska DOTRoad Weather Information System (RWIS) in Alaska
14Bruce EricksonOregon DOTWhat is New in Oregon
15Greg HansenWashington DOTWhat is New in Washington
16Bernie Kushnir & Bryan WengerWyoming DOTWhat is New in Wyoming
17Wyoming 150 Hour Service Memo
18Wyoming Long Range Equipment Plan
19Lisa KunzmanCaltransTRB Update---
20Dr. John BulloughRenssealaer Polytecchnic InstituteOptimizing Flashing Yellow Warning Lights for Safety

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